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Prevent Foreclosure Massachusetts

Are you finding it difficult to be current in your mortgage payments and you wish to keep the home or property; relax because in the state of Massachusetts there exists channels through which you can prevent yourself from going the devastating event of being...

Lowell Foreclosure Psychology

Losing your home to foreclosure is a wrecking event that one can never forget throughout their life because of the effects it brings to a person especially if it’s on your primary residence. Consider a situation whereby your spouse or yourself have fallen sick or you...

Boston Foreclosure Help

Foreclosure is a devastating event in a person’s life especially when it is your primary residence on the blink of a foreclosure because besides the loss of your home, you stand to lose a neighborhood. The foreclosure may also cause interruption of your kids schooling...

Massachusetts Foreclosure Assistance

Foreclosure assistance seeks to help troubled homeowners to avoid foreclosure and to keep their homes. In the state of Massachusetts foreclosure assistance can be obtained directly or indirectly from the government. Additionally other institutions also offer this...

Foreclosure prevention Massachusetts

The law in Massachusetts has provided for the prevention of foreclosure which seeks to inhibit unlawful and unnecessary foreclosures from taking place. The Act preventing unnecessary and unlawful foreclosures was enacted on 2nd August 2012. This Act came with...

Foreclosure Attorneys Massachusetts

It is a fact that most of foreclosures in Massachusetts are non judicial thus requiring no prior lawsuits for the lender to foreclose on your mortgage. Whether judicial or non-judicial a foreclosure can be fought in a court of law. Foreclosure processes are complex...

Stopping foreclosure in Massachusetts

Most of the foreclosures in Massachusetts are non-judicial foreclosures thus most of the lenders will not have to file a lawsuit with the court for them to carry out a foreclosure. The first way that you can stop a foreclosure is by referring to the Massachusetts...

Foreclosure Garnishes Wages

What determines whether your lender will come after you after a foreclosure sale in order to collect the deficiency amount between what you owe and the proceeds from the foreclosure include whether your state is a judicial foreclosure state or a non-judicial...

Foreclosure Impact on Credit Score

After foreclosure your FICO score (created by Fair Isaac Corporation) is likely to drop by an average of 100 pints but if your points were on the higher side the fall is expected to be with between 200 to 300 points. In short, the higher your credit points the greater...

Foreclosure versus short sale

Foreclosure is the legal option a lender considers following a delinquent mortgage with aim of selling the property and using the proceeds to cover the outstanding debt as well as the expenses incurred during the foreclosure and the sale. A short sale on the other had...

Foreclosure statute of limitations

This is a legally set time within which a foreclosure lawsuit must be filed with the court. The elapse of these time means that the lender’s claim is invalid thus he/she cannot initiate a foreclosure against your home. A foreclosure is usually treated as a breach of...

Foreclosure Judgments

There are two types of foreclosures the judicial and non-judicial foreclosures. Only the judicial requires the courts oversight in order to be executed. Foreclosure judgments in the favor of the plaintiff (the foreclosing party) can be attained in the three ways:...

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